Gus Van Sant verfilmt Tom Wolfe-roman

De Amerikaanse regisseur Gus Van Sant (Elephant, Last Days, Good Will Hunting) gaat het boek The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test van Tom Wolfe verfilmen, meldt Variety. Het boek, één van Wolfe's eerste, wordt op Wikipedia als volgt omschreven:

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test is a literary journalism novel written by Tom Wolfe early in his career in 1968. Using techniques from the genre of hysterical realism and pioneering new journalism, he tells the story of Ken Kesey and his band of Merry Pranksters as they drive across the country in a DayGlo painted school bus dubbed Furthur, reaching personal and collective revelations through the use of LSD and other psychedelic drugs. It covers their cross country road trip, as well as the acid tests, early performances by The Grateful Dead, and Kesey's exile to Mexico. Wolfe is primarily concerned not with narrative, but with relating the Pranksters' intellectual and quasi-religious breakthroughs.

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Eén reactie op “Gus Van Sant verfilmt Tom Wolfe-roman

  1. Takje

    Klinkt bijzonder. Lijkt me leuk weer eens een LSD filmpje

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